Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Spring 2011...

SPOKEN Spokane: Spring 2011

Inside this issue:

-Editor’s Letter: Mediocrity Principle
-Is it art?
-Artist Profile: The Perennials
-April Poetry Slam: Photo Editorial
-After Words: What’s Your Passion?


  1. How do I read this in a larger format? When I get the pdf it's small and I cant seem to figure out how to view it larger?

  2. Are you reading it on a mobile device (iPhone, iPad, Kindle, over the shoulder of the guy in front of you on the bus...we don't judge, just as long as you're reading it)?

    If it's on a mobile device, I'm not really sure what to tell you. You might have to try a different reader, or look at the settings on the one you're using. I don't optimize for mobile readers (something I'm looking into). I use ThinkFree on my Android phone and the magazine looks good on it.

    If you're not, and using a desktop/laptop, it might just be the browser you're using. I use Chrome exclusively, and I've checked it on Firefox. IE makes me sad, so I try to pretend it doesn't exist. I don't have any Apple devices to check it on Safari (and don't really want to put it on my PC, since they don't play well together.

    If you're downloading it, then there might be a setting I'm missing, but so far I haven't heard too much feedback about that.

    All of that is fairly general information. If you are having trouble reading it and none of the above options are working, shoot me an email to spokanespokane [at] and I'll see if I can troubleshoot your specific situation.


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